The Invisible Men
The Invisible Men is a fast-paced comedy, inspired by the original novel by H.G. Wells, set in present times, adapted and directed by Laura Ilinca, and will be presented as a world premiere at The Little Theatre in Hertford in 2024.
Jack Griffin, a wannabe scientist who dreams to discover the secret to invisibility moved in with his friends Mr & Mrs Hall a year ago, after his long-time marriage fell apart. Mr & Mrs Hall manage The Cock & Bull Inn, a very unoccupied inn, especially off season, situated in a postcard beautiful but otherwise uneventful little English village.
Having little to do with their time, and lacking other bright ideas, they spend their days helping Griffin plotting silly, and frankly a bit creepy revenges against his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. What could go wrong? Not much, as Griffin is known around the village for his idiosyncrasies. Until one day, when 2 unexpected guests arrive at the inn, bringing with them an unknown number of secret agencies that seem to be quite interested in the invisibility business as well.
How could a Russian emigree, an insectologist, a wannabe scientist and two nearly broke inn owners outsmart several secret agents that are interested in invisibility as well?
Well, staying at home and not coming to the theatre won't help you find out...